- Newer : The Holiday...again!
- Older : 小V的華麗變身!
PS, 好像除了第一封之外,其它的都不長......只是一個list而已。但key完第一封,發現好像還是要看劇情才能比較了解這個list的意思。管它!一起來看Gerry練英文吧!
My darling Holly,
I don't know where you are or when exactly you are reading this. I just hope that my letter has found you safe and healthy. You whispered to me not long ago that you couldn't go on alone. You can, Holly.
You are strong and brave and you can get through this. We shared some beautiful times together and you made my life...you made my life. I have no regrets. But I am just a chapter in your life, there will be many more. Remember our wonderful memories, but please don't be afraid to make some more.
Thank you for doing me the honor of being my wife. For everything, I am eternally grateful.
Whenever you need me, know that I am with you.
Love Forever,
Your husband and best friend,
PS, I promised a list, so here it is. The following envelopes must be opened exactly when labeled and must be obeyed. And remember, I'm looking for you, so I'll know...
Save yourself the bruises and buy yourself a bedside lamp!
PS, I love you...
2007/12/09 ♥Gerard Butler Trackback() Comment(4)
Hello~因為上網找ps. i love you的資料 結果來到你的網誌<br />
可以請問你 原著在哪裡買的嗎 我今天打電話到成品問 成品告訴我全省都沒有這本書<br />
金石堂我也找不到<br />
所以我想請問你應該要去哪買...<br />
這故事跟我本身的故事很像 看到預告 我整個起雞皮疙瘩了 電影明年才上 所以我想看原著<br />
可以麻煩你回信到我的email嗎 謝謝你喔
gigi,<br />
已回信到你的信箱囉<br />
收看看<br />
<br />
順便告訴有興趣的朋友<br />
情人寫的信都如此感人的話,就可讓女人一輩子品嚐,西方如Holly,東方如<br />
grace 2007/12/11 00:04 EDIT RES